django-user-messages - Offline addon for django.contrib.messages

django-user-messages adds offline messaging support to Django’s messaging framework. It achieves this by allowing to save messages in the database. The user_messages.api.get_messages utility and the user_messages.context_processors.messages context processor transparently concatenate Django’s messages and our own messages in a single list, therefore existing code works without any changes and without causing database writes. django-user-messages’ functions have to be used explicitly. I consider this a feature, not a bug.


  • Install django-user-messages using pip into your virtualenv.
  • Add user_messages to INSTALLED_APPS and run migrate.
  • Replace the default messages context processor with user_messages.context_processors.messages. The context processor provides both django.contrib.messages’ and django-user-messages’ messages. Note that Django 2.2’s admin app checks for the presence of the default messages context processor, so you’ll have to silence this check by adding "admin.E404" to the SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS setting.
  • Use user_messages.api as you would use django.contrib.messages except that you pass the user model or ID as first parameter, not the current request.


Pretty much the same as Django’s messaging framework:

from user_messages import api, 'Hey there')
api.warning(user, 'Stop this')
api.error(user, 'Not nice!')

# Passing the ID is also possible; the user instance does not
# have to be instantiated at all:
api.success(, 'Yay!')

django-user-messages’ messages supports two additional features not available in Django’s messages framework:

  • Messages can be delivered more than once by passing deliver_once=False. These messages have to be acknowledged explicitly. django-user-messages does not contain any code to do this.

  • It is possible to attach additional data by passing a dictionary as meta:

    api.debug(user, 'Oww', meta={
        'url': '',

For convenience, our messages have the same tags and level_tag properties as Django’s messages. Meta properties are also accessible in templates:

{% if messages %}
  <ul class="messages">
  {% for message in messages %}
    <li class="{{ message.tags }}".>
      {% if message.meta.url %}<a href="{{ message.meta.url }}">{% endif %}
      {{ message }}
      {% if message.meta.url %}</a>{% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

django-user-messages’ messages are also evaluated lazily.

Change log

0.8 (2022-02-03)

  • Switched to a declarative setup.
  • Switched from Travis CI to GitHub actions.
  • Added a composite index to reduce database load when fetching messages. Thanks @tpatterson!

0.7 (2020-01-22)

  • Fixed a crash because of unicode strings being returned from Message.__str__ in Python 2.
  • Order messages upon retrieval.
  • Added Django 3.0 to the Travis CI matrix.
  • Replaced ugettext* with gettext* to avoid deprecation warnings.

0.6 (2018-09-26)

  • Reformatted the code using black.
  • Added a hint about silencing the messages context processor system check under Django 2.2.

0.5 (2018-03-04)

  • Added german translations and a nice app name.
  • Changed the implementation of keyword-only arguments to be compatible with Python 2.

0.4 (2017-07-19)

  • Backwards incompatible Rebuilt the model to not use Django’s JSONField at all. This design decision unnecessarily restricted the areas where django-user-messages was usable.
  • Fixed properties to be more forgiving with missing data.
  • Added tox configuration for running tests and coding style checks and for building the docs.
  • Improved documentation and test coverage.

0.3 (2017-05-18)

  • Added usage instructions.
  • Merge the message and meta JSON fields into a single data field and imitate the Message object interface more closely.

0.2 (2017-05-18)

  • Added the possibility to associate additional data with a message py passing a dictionary as the meta keyword-only argument to the API.
  • Changed the module to import the Message model as late as possible so that the API can easily be imported for example in a AppConfig module.

0.1 (2017-05-17)

  • Initial public release.